Florence E. Taylor (F.E. Taylor) Charitable Foundation Scholarship Fund

A registered Canadian charity, this fund was started by Florence Taylor, a member of Chapter C, AB. First and second-year female post-secondary students may apply. Donations by Canadian residents are eligible for tax receipts. The Foundation is a separate entity from P.E.O., but because of Florence’s ties with P.E.O., their board usually includes a member from Chapter C and other P.E.O.s.  

Email: Joan McMaster


Florence E. Taylor

Florence Elizabeth Taylor (1906-2003)

Alberta-Saskatchewan chapters have a special place in their hearts for Florence E. Taylor. Florence bequeathed her estate to the P.E.O. sisterhood to establish the Florence E. Taylor provincial scholarship to help women in financial need who were entering their first or second year of post-secondary education.


Florence was born in England in 1906 and emigrated with her family to Alberta in 1913. She was the second oldest of 7 siblings. Being the eldest daughter, she dropped out of school at an early age to care for her ailing mother. Later she worked as a housekeeper, a salesperson and a nanny in many communities throughout Alberta and Saskatchewan before marrying Harold. 


During her later career in the business world, she made many friends who remember her as having a great sense of humour and an ability to engage readily with clients. 


Through one of her work associates, she was invited to join Chapter C, Alberta in 1974. She took her membership seriously, living up to the objects and aims of the sisterhood. She held many offices over the years and was President of Chapter C in 1979-80. She was an active member before joining Chapter Eternal in 2003.


After the death of her husband Florence moved to an apartment where her door was always open to other tenants. She welcomed university students, both local and international, to share her own apartment. They too became part of her extended family and some have even become P.E.O. sisters.


On learning that she had accrued a large sum of money from years of investments, she did not change her simple lifestyle. Instead she chose to donate it to P.E.O.  to promote the education of women in Alberta and Saskatchewan. In 1998 the Florence E. Taylor Foundation was incorporated and each year $1000 scholarships are awarded to deserving women entering first and second year post secondary studies. To date approximately 350 scholarships have been awarded.


Florence believed we are put on this earth to do good, be good, and be a benefit to mankind and that you would “keep coming back until you had it right”. She was a kind and gentle soul, who truly cared for her fellow man. She had an inner spirit and beauty one can only hope to have; she had a heart of gold.


Frequently asked questions:  Florence E. Taylor FAQ

Download the Florence E. Taylor Donation Form:  Donation Form

Charitable registration number: 870145638RR0001